Vandalism, looting at the Radha Kanta temple in Dhaka, Bangladesh


Just a day before the Holi celebrations, miscreants allegedly vandalized the Sukun Radha Kanta temple in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

In Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Thursday evening, a mob of 200 people allegedly vandalized and looted the Sukun Radhakanta temple.

Many people inside the temple were reportedly injured in the attack.

Meanwhile, Radhakrishnan Das, Vice President, ISKCON India, said, “This is a very sad event that happened on the occasion of Dol Yatra and Holi celebrations. Just a few days ago, the United Nations passed a resolution in which World Islamophobia Day was declared.

It is noteworthy that last year in Bangladesh, miscreants vandalized the Dargah Puja venue, sparking sectarian violence in the neighboring country.

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