Tripura tops list of medical negligence deaths in Northeast, Assam tops list of dowry deaths

Tripura tops list of medical negligence deaths in Northeast, Assam tops list of dowry deaths

Agartala: Tripura tops the list of deaths due to medical negligence among the eight northeastern states.

This was revealed in the annual report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), which was released on August 29.
The NCRB report cited two cases of deaths due to medical negligence in Tripura.

On the other hand, Assam tops the list of deaths related to dowry issues among the northeastern states.
In Assam, 198 cases of dowry deaths were registered in 2021.
Tripura has recorded 22 deaths after Assam in the northeast in terms of dowry-related deaths.

The 2021 data also shows that Assam recorded 1,192 cases of murder with 1,269 victims.
A total of 1955 cases of murder were registered during 2021, which shows an increase of 5.7% compared to 2020 (1849 cases) in the country.

The rate of registered crimes has also increased from 1.6 in 2020 to 1.7 in 2021.

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