Rajya Sabha members will adopt 3 more villages in Meghalaya.


Shillong: Rajya Sabha MP Rakesh Sinha on Thursday said he would adopt three more remote villages in Meghalaya to improve people’s lives and basic amenities.

The MP who adopted Kongthong village in 2019 claimed that the area is now more beautiful than Kashmir.

The BJP MP told PTI here that after the village elders approached me, I decided to adopt Mawmang, Mawshut and Sder .

The MP said that these villages are inaccessible by road, and to reach them one has to travel two and a half hours from Kong Thong.

I will visit the people in these villages, the MP said, adding that a virtual clinic would be set up in these places by the end of May.

He said he had recently taken a similar initiative in a remote village in Bihar.

Sinha said the district deputy commissioner would visit Kang Thong on April 16 along with officials from the line department to resolve the issues there.

In Kang Thong, under his direct supervision, 200 dustbins, a sanitary napkin vending machine were installed, and six public toilets were built.
On Wednesday, he distributed 400 cans and kits of honey to the villagers.

The MP said he would invite Bollywood producers to shoot their films around Kang Thong and on the village road from Shillong , which has greenery and natural scenery on both sides.

According to tradition, in Kang Thong, each newborn is assigned both a formal name and a separate serendipitous tune by his mother at birth.

Although his name is used only for official purposes, this tune becomes his identity to which he responds all his life. Once a person dies, his melody dies with him, which will never be repeated for anyone else.

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