Peace talks of ULFA pro faction and Center to resume today

Peace talks of ULFA pro faction and Center to resume today

New Delhi: Peace talks between the Centre, the Assam government and the pro-ULFA negotiating faction are scheduled to be held in New Delhi on August 18.

According to reports, an Alpha delegation led by Arabinda Rajkhowa is in the national capital to hold talks with key central government officials.
Earlier, ULFA leader Anup Chetia. “We hope to work towards a solution with the Government of India before the (general) elections. He realizes that if he signs an agreement with us (the pro-ULFA faction) the Assam issue will be resolved.
He also hoped that the talks would be completed before 2024.

On the other hand, a delegation of NSCN (IM) will leave for Delhi to discuss the Naga political issue with the Centre.

According to sources, the delegation will hold talks with the Center on August 21. Meanwhile, NSCN-IM leader Thuingaleng Muivah will leave for Delhi on August 19.

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