NSCN/GPRN president said: we will deny any ‘sell-out’ solution

NSCN president said: we will deny any 'sell-out' solution

Imphal: On January 31, 2023 Clearly stating that there is no option short of full autonomy, the NSCN/GPRN (Yung Aung Group) has asserted that it strongly rejects any ‘sell-out’ solution will given.

In a message on the 43rd Foundation Day of NSCN/GPRN, the organization’s President Yung Aung paid tribute to the national pioneers, brave comrades and thousands of innocent Nagas who made selfless sacrifices for the national cause.

Due to India’s continued divisive design to extinguish the Naga movement, many national activists were caught in a trap with no hope of ever getting out.
Yung Aung said that the Nagas have witnessed disintegration due to political differences which lead to fraternity among brothers.

He claimed that NSCN/GPRN is the only organization which till today is passionately defending the right of self-determination of the Naga nation when all, big or small, have abandoned their national pledge.

The rebel leader asserted that the NSCN/GPRN would not stop pursuing justice on either side of the imposed border.

Generations of Nagas have borne the brunt of alleged Indian brutality, injustice, racism and have sacrificed thousands of Naga lives in the process.
Yong Aung remarked that all these atrocities are hidden from the world and the Nagas are branded as ‘terrorists’ in their own land.

The rebel leader asserted that the Naga struggle has come a long way and people have suffered a lot and so many lives have been lost that there is no option short of full autonomy.

India is desperately trying to project itself as the largest democracy by brutally dominating the Nagas and the entire WESEA region.

In his message, the rebel leader said the NSCN/GPRN would continue to take all possible steps to fulfill ‘our moral and political commitment to our people’.
“India’s dirty politics may have succeeded in the past but the present and the future belong to the Nagas and we will not let our enemy decide our future”.

Today, the so-called Naga political groups are in the process of trading Naga autonomy for a mere settlement within the Indian Union, and thus the Naga people’s desire for freedom is being held hostage by the Government of India and pro-negotiation groups. , read the message.

The NSCN/GPRN will strongly reject any sell-out solution that compromises the independent dream of the Naga people.

It said that the time has come for Naga intellectuals, Naga tribal councils, civil societies and student organizations to take a deep look at the facts.
“Two futures await us, either we choose a future of perpetual subjugation or a future of hope and freedom.

We must not capitulate to the ideology of India and the politics of misguided globalization as this will be the beginning of the erasure of the unique history, culture and identity of the Naga people”, Yung Aung said.

“I appeal to all Nagas to unite and seek God for His inspired wisdom and strength to guide us out of this darkness into the light of hope and freedom,” the president added.

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