Nagaland NSCN-IM
KOHIMA: The Nagaland NSCN-IM has reportedly sought China’s ‘intervention’ to reach an early solution to the Naga political issue.
The NSCN-IM has called for “third-party intervention to break the deadlock” in the peace talks between the organization and the Indian government.
The NSCN-IM has also accused the Government of India of withdrawing from the Framework Agreement.
The Framework Agreement was signed between the NSCN-IM leadership and the Government of India on 3 August 2015.
All this was said in a letter written to the Communist Party of China (CPC) by the Foreign Affairs Wing of the NSCN-IM.
“The GoI has withdrawn from the Framework Agreement. This has hindered the move towards a negotiated political settlement,” the NSCN-IM said in a letter to the CPC.
It added: “Hence, there is a dire need for third-party intervention to break the deadlock.”
The NSCN-IM also thanked China for “standing up for the political rights” of the Nagas.
NSCN-IM said that we have not forgotten the love and support of the Chinese people for our national struggle since the fifties.
The organization added: “We are grateful to the Chinese people who are still supporting our struggle.”
Notably, the peace talks between the NSCN-IM and the Government of India (GoI) on the Naga political issue had been stalled since May this year.
NSCN-IM stands by its stand of separate Naga flag and constitution.
Meanwhile, reports have surfaced that the Government of India is considering incorporating the Naga Constitution – Yehzabo – into the Indian Constitution.
Moreover, reports also claim that the Center has agreed to a civic and cultural flag for the Nagas.
The central government has been holding two separate talks with the NSCN-IM since 1997 and the seven-organization Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) since 2017.
The Center signed a framework agreement with the NSCN-IM on 3 August 2015, and also entered into a consensus position with the NNPGs in December 2017.
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