Nagaland NGO celebrates World Environment Day in Jaloki


Former Chief Minister of Nagaland and Chairman of the UDA government in the state – TR Zeliang has made it clear that the Naga Peace Accord will not be “signed secretly”.

“No one should believe that such a complex and sensitive issue will be written secretly and imposed on our people,” TR Zeliang said in a video statement.

Zeliang added, “As the Naga people wish, we are confident and confident that once the negotiating parties reach a common ground, they will ask all tribal leaders and the state government before signing the final agreement.” Will definitely consult. ”
Zeliang also asked Nagaland’s political leaders not to make “loose remarks” that could negatively affect Indo-Naga peace talks.

The former Chief Minister of Nagaland “asked all right-thinking Naga leaders to refrain from making statements based on personal speculation on the Indo-Naga political issue”.
“Overground Naga leaders who are taking an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of India should refrain from making loose remarks on the issue,” said Zeliang .

Zeliang added that “various discussions” on the Indo-Naga political issue have resulted in “misunderstandings and confusion regarding the Naga political solution.”

The former Chief Minister of Nagaland urged the Center as well as the Naga negotiating groups not to back down from the pledge made in writing and otherwise.

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