Nagaland: The Naga-American Council claimed on April 14 that forcing the Indian flag on the Nagas is as offensive as the Nagas forcing India to recognize their flag.
The Council was discussing with the representative of the Government of India AK Mishra on the lines of the ongoing peace talks chaired by the senior leadership of the NNPGs and the NSCN (IM).
However, the Naga-American Council has denied any statement that the Naga flag is purely cultural. Honorary President of Nagalim, Dame Grace Collins, wishes to clarify that she has never said in any press statement that she considers the Naga flag purely cultural.
She also says that she does not belong to any single faction but represents all Nagas living in India and Burma. Apparently these claims were made by NSCN representative to the Government of India (GOI) Mr. AK Mishra at yesterday’s peace talks,” the Naga American Council said through a press release.
The council added, “H.E. Dame Collins has deliberately remained neutral on the issue but believes that the Naga flag reflects the 75-year aspirations of the Nagas for their sovereignty and self-determination.”
The group reaffirmed its stand on the demand for a separate Naga flag and wanted the ongoing peace talks to be carried out with more compassion and recognized the significance of the flag as a personal issue for the soul of the Naga people. go “We believe that such recognition can promote mutual respect and dignity between two genetically and culturally different peoples”, the press release concluded.
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