Nagas are neither Indian nor Burmese: Hours after Mukhi’s statement, NSCN(IM) chief Jagdish Mukhi reiterated the organisation’s claim that Nagas are neither Indian nor Burmese. “We are Nagas by blood, culture and history, professing the same faith and political ideology. We are neither Indian nor Burmese. There should be no doubt that the Nagas have been an independent nation since time immemorial. are, which our history is unique,” Muivah said in his speech during the “Naga Independence Day Celebration” at “Camp Hebron” near Dimapur on Sunday. NSCN (IM) cadres and leaders have been living in the Hebron camp since signing a ceasefire with the government in 1997.
Muivah said past agreements did not yield a solution because they “betrayed the Naga national principle.” “The Nagas are looking for problem-based solutions and that we are against imposing the Indian will on the Nagas.”
From NE states 171 NCC cadets to take part in Republic day Camp
December 31, 2024December 16 assault incident condemned by Naga organizations
December 20, 2024
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