Manipur: More than 200 Catholic priests celebrate Christmas in Imphal


Imphal: Ahead of the Easter Sunday celebrations, more than 200 Catholic priests from Manipur celebrated the annual Christmas Mass at St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Imphal on Tuesday evening. It was one of the largest pastoral gatherings since the COVID-19 epidemic.

Mostly Rev. Dominic Lumen, Archbishop of Imphal, led the clergy in renewing their vows and vows to serve God’s people during the glorious celebration of Christmas Mass at the Archdiocese of Imphal.

Bishop Lumen also blessed the sacred oils: the oil of the sick, the oil of catechisms, and the sacred Christmas, to be used during the celebration of the sacraments in Catholic parishes.

Mass is traditionally offered during Holy Week to commemorate the establishment of the Priesthood and the Eucharist.

According to the rector of St. Thomas Seminary, Francis Vialo, Christmas is usually celebrated on the morning of Holy Thursday. However, for the convenience of pastors and to ensure the participation of as many pastors as possible, Holy Saturday is expected to be celebrated in many places.

“This is a rare occasion when almost all the pastors of the Archdiocese of Imphal gather with the bishops to celebrate the Holy Eucharist. Was, which we celebrate on Holy Thursday, ”said Fr Vialo.

Congratulating the clergy for their commitment and commitment to the ministry, Bishop Lumon said, “The clergy’s commitment to the Lord and to the church is to serve the clergy. The church is not an institution or company and therefore has no attitude of part-time loyalty or part-time affiliation.

“Sometimes we are filled with fear that we will face new challenges, leave our comfort zone, and loosen our grip on our expectations. But this journey of our priesthood provides that sense of success when We challenge ourselves and stand up to new challenges, “said Bishop Lumen.

The bishop also urged nuns and church members to pray for the clergy on their ministry on the day of the priesthood.

Religious nuns, deacons, seminars and general faithful also attended the grand ceremony.

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