Inner Line Permit
An Inner Line Permit is a travel document that allows an Indian citizen to visit a state that is protected under the Government. Indians must obtain a permit for entering into the protected or restricted areas within the country. Inner Line Permit is issued under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873, by the respective state governments. In this article, we will look at the Inner Line Permit in detail.
Purpose of Inner Line Permit
The main purpose of issuing the Inner Line Permit system is to regulate the movement of people in certain areas located near the international border of India.
States Which Require Inner Line Permit
The Inner Line Permit is applicable for the following three Northeastern states. Residents of these states can visit the respective states without the IPL.
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Mizoram
- Nagaland
No Indian citizen can overstay beyond the period specified in the ILP
Inner Line Permit System in Arunachal Pradesh
Inner Line Permit is issued by the secretary (political) of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh. The ILP is mandatory for entering Arunachal Pradesh through any of the check gates across the interstate border with Assam or Nagaland.
Validity of ILP
- An ILP for temporary visitors is valid for 7 days and can be extended.
- ILP for employment in the state and their immediate family members is valid for a year.
Type of ILP
Following two types of Inner Line Permit is issued in Arunachal Pradesh:
- Single Permit
- Group Permit
Documents Required
Any of the following identity documents is necessary for applying for Inner Line Permit in Arunachal Pradesh.
- Pan Card
- Aadhaar Card
- Driving License
- Passport
- Voter Id
- Passport Size Photo
Application Fee
The applicant needs to pay Rs.100 application fee for applying for the Inner Line Permit in Arunachal Pradesh.
Application Procedure
- The applicant needs to access the official webpage of Arunachal Pradesh Inner Line Permit.
By clicking on the eILP option, the application form will be displayed.
- The format of the ILP application form is enclosed here:
- Provide relevant information and mail ID. The email ID will be verified before further processing of the ILP application. The login information will be sent to the registered email ID.
- Upload the documents, on submission of the application; it will be processed by the concerned authority.
- The status can be monitored using the Check Status option.
- On approval of the application, the Payment link will be activated and the applicant needs to make an online payment for approval and issuance of Inner Line Permit.
- After payment and on Approval the “Print” link will be activated for the printing of the permit, which can be viewed after login.
Note: The applicant must carry the originals of the documents uploaded and produce it at the entrance gate for verification by officials.
Inner Line Permit System in Mizoram
Inner Line Permit in Mizoram can be obtained from Liaison Officer, Government of Mizoram from the following cities:
- Kolkata
- Silchar
- Shillong
- Guwahati
- New Delhi
- Government employees travelling for official purposes are exempted from obtaining Mizoram ILP and employees should have to submit a photo identification card
- Citizens arriving by air can get the IPL from the Security Officer on arrival at Lengpui Airport, Aizawl.
Citizens entering from Bairabi and Vairengte can obtain ILP from Sub-Deputy Commissioner, Bairabi and Sub-Divisional Officer Vairengte respectively.
Type of ILP
Following two types of Inner Line Permit is issued in Mizoram
- Temporary ILP
- Regular ILP
Validity of ILP
- The temporary ILP is valid for 15 days and can be extended.
- The regular ILP is valid for 6 months and it can be renewed twice for another 6 months. However, sponsorship from a resident or a Government Department is required.
Documents Required
Following documents are necessary for obtaining Inner Line Permit in Mizoram.
- Passport size photo
- Driving License
- Voter ID
- Department ID
Note: For tourists originating from Cachar, Hailakandi and Karimganj districts of Assam State should submit Electoral Roll details due to porous international boundary with Bangladesh.
Application Fee
The application fee for getting ILP in Mizoram is tabulated here:
Renewal of ILP
Renewal for both Temporary and Regular ILP can be renewed by submitting an application form at District Commissioner’s Office located at Treasury Square, Aizawl.
ILP for Foreigners
- All foreigners have to register at the office of Superintendent of Police (CID/SB) Mizoram who is the designated Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) of the State within 24 hours of arrival.
- Citizens of Afghanistan, China and Pakistan and foreign nationals having their origin in India would continue to require prior approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs before entering the state.
Inner Line Permit System in Nagaland
The Deputy Commissioner, Government of Nagaland is issuing ILP in Nagaland. Inner Line Permit can be filled Online as well as Offline. The procedure to obtain Inner Line Permit in Nagaland is explained in step by step procedure.
- The applicant must be a registered user of the official website of Government of Nagaland to get the Inner Line Permit.
- After registration, the applicant can log in to the on the portal using the ‘Registered User’. The login page appears. Provide the username and password. The page will be redirected to the application page.
- You will be required to click on the “Submit Online” button for filing the e- form Online or “Submit Offline” button for filling the form Offline.
Offline e-form
- In offline mode, the applicant can save the information and fetch the data whenever required and the applicant can assign a security key to secure the details entered.
- To fill out the ILP form in Offline mode, a zip file can be downloaded to the computer on clicking the Submit Offline button.
- Unzip the zipped file, and then provide required details in the ILP.
- Note: Double-clicking on form.html file, an application form can be opened.
- Offline forms can be submitted only when the applicant comes online, and the internet is accessible. After checking the details, the applicant has to visit the official website and log in to the portal to submit the ILP form.
Online e-form
- Online ILP form allows the applicant to fill the form online at once and submit it after validating it.
- By clicking on submitting the online option, the applicant can provide details for e-form. Select the district where the application form to be processed.
Note: As concerned Authority issues ILP in the District jurisdiction, the applicant is required to choose the correct District in the field.
- Upload all required documents for ILP.
Transaction ID Generation
- After providing details and uploading documents in, a transaction id will be generated. This can be used for future references.
Note: Any further communication with Department Authorities regarding the ILP requires the transaction ID.
- Besides, the applicant can print the application form by clicking the print option. After verification, the concerned authority will Inner Line Permit.
Inner Line Permit System in Manipur
The Manipur Inner Line Permit (ILP) is an official travel document issued by the state government to allow inward travel of an Indian citizen visiting the beautiful state of Manipur for a specific time period.
This is in exercise of the powers conferred by section 2 and section 4 of the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1973 (Regulation 5 of 1873) as extended to the State of Manipur vide Order of President of India No. S.O. 4433(E) dated 11/12/2019.
Permit Types
There are fours types of permit currently announced by Manipur authorities.
1. Special Permit
Rs.5000/- in the first instance and Rs.10,000/- in the subsequent instance.
2. Regular Permit
Rs.500/- in the first instance and Rs.1000/- for each renewal.
3. Temporary Permit
Rs.100/- in the first instance and Rs.200/- for renewal.
4. Bulk Permit
Rs.100/- each for individual in the first instance and Rs.100/- for renewal.
Entry of Foreigners
Regulations and guidelines shall not apply to foreigners who shall be regulated and governed by Foreigners (Protected Area) Order, 1958 made under the provision of Foreigners Act, 1946 and the Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950 and subsequent amendments.
There are four types of Inner Line Permit that are issued by the Government of Manipur.
1. Special Category Permit:
People like Government Contractors, investors, traders with business establishments in the
state. Maximum Duration of 3 years after which renewal has to be done.
2. Regular Permit:
Individuals who visit the state frequently subject to sponsor by any permanent resident of the state. Duration of permit is 6 months
3. Temporary Permit:
Tourists, business representatives or those who visit for a short period. Permit duration of 15 days.
4. Labour Permit:
A specific to a group of labourers brought by any contractor or firm or company or individual
engaging them for construction works.
Renewal of Inner Line Permit:
i. The authorities to issue permit may renew the permit on receipt of an application from
concerned person or agency, subject to maximum of two such terms.
ii. Any further renewal beyond two times shall be referred to the Home department for
further renewal, who may consider renewal subject to satisfaction.
iii. All such renewals are subject to good conduct and non-involvement in any criminal
Authorities to issue Inner Line Permit:
The following authorities are authorized to issue Inner line permit:
1. For special Category Permit: Home Department
2. For Regular Permit: All the Deputy Commissioners in their respective districts or any other agency authorized by the State Government.
3. For Temporary Permit: All Deputy Commissioners in their respective districts, Deputy Residents Commissioners or OSD of Manipur Bhawans New Delhi, Kolkatta and Guwahati, sub divisional Officers ( Jiribam, Songsong, Jessami, Singhat and Moreh), office in charge of Police Station at Mao, Jiribam, Jessami, Moreh, Beihang, Sinjowl, Imphal Airport and any other agency authorised by the state Government.
4. For Labour Permit: Deputy Labour Commissioner and any other agency authorised by the State Government.
There are two types of processing:
1. Visitors apply online and receive the permit at the entry point. (ONLINE MODE)
2. Visitors directly arrives at Manipur and the permit is generated. (ONSITE MODE)
Visit the website www:// and select the type of permit that you wish to apply.
As you can see there are 4 types of permit. Click on the permit that you wish to apply for. Each permit will result in an online form which needs to be filled up and submitted. The following are the attachments that will be mandatory for applying the permit.
1. Passport Photograph
2. Signature
4. Sponsor Photo ( for Special Category and regular Inner Line Permit)
5. Sponsor AADHAR (for special Category and Regular Inner Line Permit)
Once the form is filled up and submitted. You will be required to note down the Application number
or you may download the PDF copy of the filled up form that would be generated. This needs to be
produced at the entry gate where you have to make the necessary payments and the ILP permit will
be generated by the respective officer concerned.
In this mode, the visitor can approach to any of the issuing authority as mentioned above. You have
to produce your AADHAR card, which will be scanned, your signature will be scanned, and your
passport photo will also be scanned. The officer who will make all the necessary entry of requisite
data. Once it is completed, you have to make the payment and the permit will be generated.