Hedayet Ali, a mountaineer from Assam, conquers Mount Everest.


Guwahati: Hedayet Ali, a climber from Hajo, Assam, climbed Mount Everest on Thursday morning and added another feather to his hat. He is the seventh Assamese climber to successfully ascend Mount Everest.
Ali, who walked from Lukla to Everest Base Camp, reached the summit at about 7.30am on Thursday morning.
Climber is a software engineer based in California, USA.

This is Mount Everest’s first expedition of the season. Hedayet Ali topped the international team of 11 other climbers.

Notably, it also climbed Europe’s highest peak, Mount Elbrus, Mount Acconogua in 2019, and Africa’s highest peak, Mount Clemenzaro, in 2018.

The Guwahati Explorers Club congratulated Ali on his successful campaign.

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