From Changlang district NSCN-KYA freedom-fighters captured

From Changlang district NSCN-KYA freedom-fighters captured

Changlang: An overground laborer (OGW) of NSCN-KYA alongside a freedom-fighter was captured in Nampong circle of Changlong region on Saturday during a joint activity by 19 Assam Rifles and Arunachal Police.

As per authorities, the Assam Rifles had before gotten data about the presence of the freedom-fighters in Khamkai and Namgoi overall areas after which both were captured.
The captured freedom-fighter has been recognized as Nayan Kumar Chakma (42) while the OGW has been distinguished as Gangwang Wanglee (37).

On addressing, Chakma uncovered that the reserve of arms and ammo having a place with the NSCN-KYA bunch was concealed in the timberland area of Old Longchong in Rima Putak Circle.
A pursuit was in like manner led after which an enormous reserve of arms and ammo was recuperated.

Afterward, a gun was likewise recuperated from Chakma’s home.
On January 26 this year, a functioning unit of the NSCN-KYA, distinguished as self-declared Lt. Komtim Rekhung (33), gave up to the region police, Assam Rifles and CRPF at Changlang police headquarters.

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