Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on August 8 took a pointed dig at the Congress party, highlighting their perceived lack of empathy towards Assam’s concerns. The Chief Minister specifically recalled an incident from 1983 when the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi, then Prime Minister, briefly visited Assam following the Nellie massacre.
Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma emphasized that during her fleeting visit, Mrs. Gandhi seemingly aimed to hold Assamese agitators responsible for the tragic incident. He remarked that her visit did not yield any initiatives for peace nor did it lead to the suspension of any elections that could have fostered tranquility in the state.
In a striking assertion, Chief Minister Sarma characterized the Congress party’s history in the northeastern region as a chronicle of bloodshed and strife. He painted a vivid metaphor, stating that their hands were metaphorically “full of flood,” alluding to the turbulent times and conflicts that marred the region during their governance.
Highlighting the pattern of Congress party’s approach, Chief Minister Sarma underlined that their engagement often lacked a “healing touch.” He referenced numerous conflicts and massacres that unfolded during their tenure, where their response seemingly fell short of offering solace to the affected communities.
Furthermore, Chief Minister Sarma recounted a historical anecdote, illustrating Nehru’s apprehension regarding Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s safety during a proposed visit to Assam in 1962. According to the Chief Minister, Nehru’s concern stemmed from the fear that she might be abducted by the Chinese army.
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