Arunachal Pradesh: ‘The more we promote democratic values, the more we will stop terrorism’, says Om Birla

ITANAGAR: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Berla has stressed on the need to cultivate democratic values in order to curb extremism and terrorism in the North East.
Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said, “The more we cultivate democratic values, the more we involve the people in the democratic process, the more we will be able to move away from extremism and terrorism” Om Berla said.
Om Birla was speaking at the inaugural function of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) India Region Zone III Conference at the Dorji Khando Auditorium of the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly in ITANAGAR on Thursday. “Today, people are convinced that extremism is not the solution to any problem,” said Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla.
“At the moment, the biggest challenge facing our democracy is to create a socially, politically, economically and legally conducive environment that enables every section of our society to do its utmost to govern,” Birla said. Could participate with. “