According to the report, China is rapidly modernizing its nuclear weapons.


New Delhi: According to the report, China is rapidly modernizing its nuclear weapons. China is in the midst of a major modernization and expansion of its nuclear weapons, according to a report released by the Swedish Watchdog, which monitors the arms trade and disarmament.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) says China has at least 350 nuclear warheads, more than double India’s 160, much less than the United States and Russia, and in recent years Rapidly enhances its launching capabilities.
“Around 2017, China has begun to accommodate a triad of nuclear powers – solid fuel-powered mobile and shielded land-based missiles, nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs), and a complete, Bomber with re-established nuclear mission – SIPRI said in a report released on Monday that to strengthen its nuclear deterrence and counter-attack capabilities it sees it as a growing threat from other countries.
The report says that the ratio of stored and stored warheads has changed as additional and new launchers start operating in 2021.

“These warheads are assigned to China’s operational land and sea-based ballistic missiles and nuclear-armed aircraft,” the annual Sapphire report on weapons, disarmament and international security said.
The report comes a day after Chinese Defense Minister Wei Feng praised his country’s progress in “nuclear deterrence” in a speech at the recently concluded Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.
China has been developing its capabilities for five decades. It is fair to say that impressive progress has been made, “he said.

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