73 killed in natural disaster this year

This year, 73 individuals have lost their lives in different regular disasters.

This year, 73 individuals have lost their lives in different regular disasters. No less than 27 individuals were killed by lightning, 15 by fire, 10 by wild creatures, 8 via avalanches, 8 by typhoons, 3 by snake nibbles and 2 in flood.

The quantity of individuals harmed in different calamities the nation over is additionally high anyway there is no unmistakable data about the deficiency of actual property. At a connection coordinated by Disaster Preparedness Network (DPNET) for media people on ‘Job of Communication in Early Information System’, Prof. Dr. Jiba Raj Pokharel, previous Vice-Chancellor of Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, said that accentuation ought to be laid on essential innovation to control catastrophic events.

Previous Minister for Education, Dr. Gangalal Tuladhar, encouraged all to participate in it as it would be an extraordinary deed if the circumstance of troublesome passing, mutilation and loss of actual property because of regular catastrophes could be halted in time.

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